
A lecture on Linguistic Landscape at UCL

A big thanks to Ana Ilievska Završnik for the invitation to give a lecture on Linguistic landscape at the UCL SSEES. It’s been a pleasure.

“Big thanks to Elena Filipovska-Bozinovska, a Macedonian philologist and teacher of Macedonian for foreigners, for her time and willingness to deliver her excellent presentation on linguistic landscapes. Both UCL SSEES
Beginners and Upper Intermediate groups enjoyed it a lot.

Our linguistic landscape is the language that surrounds us (street signs, shop names, graffiti, snippets of conversation etc.). It’s up to us to assign meaning to all of that or to merely disregard it. If language learners raise their awareness of their linguistic landscape, they feel more at ease in the public space, they acquire vocabulary and basic grammar easier, and they dive deeper in the target language culture.”
#ThankYou #Благодарам

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